Good morning people!!!

No one tagged me in this but Ive seen it knocking around and couldn't resist
1. Things you cannot leave the house without:
Phone,keys, a mirror, lip gloss, powder and ipod, i cant live without it.
2. Favourite brand of Make Up:
I'm not loyal to one brand, i like different brands for different things. Probably Lancome, Nars and Benefit.
3. Favourite flower:
Orchids maybe?
4. Favourite clothing store:
Ideally Harvey Nichols but usually its Topshop.
5. Favourite perfume:
Coco Mademoiselle or Viktor & Rolf flowerbomb, but i still haven't got that yet:(
6. Heels or Flats:
Flats in the day, I'm tall anyway 5'10 but always heels for night time.
7. Do you make good grades:
Pretty average really, i get bored really easily.
8. Favourite colours:
I love white and nude clothes but i never tire of turquoise and coral either.
9. Do you drink energy drinks:
Only occasionally with vodka ;)
10. Do you drink juice:
Nope never
11. Do you like swimming:
I love love love swimming. I haven't been since i went travelling last year though. Need to get down to my local pool.
12. Do you eat fries with a fork:
Depends on the situation, in restaurants, yes. At home, no.
13. Favourite moisturiser:
I don't have a fave facial one, but Palmer's cocoa butter for body
14. Do you want to get married later on in life:
Yes definitely. Not until I'm about 28, i still need to find him though haha.
15. Do you get mad easily:
Hmmm depends on the situation and who the person is. Not easily no.
16. Are you into ghost hunting:
A friend of mine always goes to these things, Pays lots for them, id be too scared.
17. Any phobias:
Birds. Its the flapping wings:(
18. Do you bite your nails:
19. Have you ever had a near death experience:
No, touch wood
20. Do you drink coffee -
No, i like the smell, but the taste is disgusting. I like the idea of walking around with a Starbucks but my tongue wont allow it
That filled 5 mins lol. I invite everyone to do it, have a nice day, Lou xx